z64 No, other engines do not give better results. Searching symbols is not the strength of most engines, especially when the symbols collide with the search syntax.
The quick answer, while remarkable that it DID search for the proper thing, is not really useful when you're interested in details (I did already know, what """ is for roughly, but wanted to lookup details like interpolation syntax and if there's automatic stripping of whitespace within triple quotes ;-) So it would have needed to include a link to https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#string-and-bytes-literals or some other detail article to be useful. Had to finally locate this myself by clicking through their docs as python.org's search engine dislikes symbol searches, too.
I do not really fault Kagi for not answering this (which is why I filed as suggestion, not as bug) but a comprehensive answer would have WOWed me.