When manually trying to enter a domain on https://kagi.com/settings?p=add_ranked I run into the error message "You have exceeded the number of adjustments you can make. (1000)". The shear number of domains is quite easy to explain: I imported domains from uBlocklist I collected over the years (city directories, fake pharmacies, Wikipedia and StackExchange clones, …).
I kindly ask to raise the maximum number of domains that can be ranked, given the vast number of resources that can be ranked. Of course I’d like to remove now defunct spam domains from the list, but this is not feasible. So over the years, these lists will necessarily grow.
One question regarding the current implementation: What kind of feedback do I get I try to raise/lower a domain from the search results? It looks like none. There are a few domains on the list I ranked over the last days on this list, but certainly not all.