Whenever I search for names of myself, friends and family there are results that display our home addresses, cell numbers, emails, etc. All of this info is in the website title and the description.
It is coming from data brokers such as nuwber.com, cocofinder.com, radaris.com, officialusa.com, truepeoplesearch.com, fastpeoplesearch.com, truthfinder.com, beenverified, peoplefinder, etc.
Would it be possible to have a link in the 3 dot dropdown menu beside the results to request removal of personal contact information? Or to exclude these poor quality sites in the first place?
This picture is just an example of someone's info when searching name. This can be very dangerous especially if someone is facing stalking and seems out of place for a privacy focused search engine. I think this might even be against privacy laws if there isn't a way to request removal.
Thank you.