Ok - so I have no idea if/why this truly fixed it, but it did. I noticed on the two machines Kagi still worked after upgrading to Sonoma, vs. the one machine that didn't, looking at the various defaults (defaults find kagi
), the two working machines had:
defaults read com.kagimacOS.Kagi-Search.Extension
which showed:
enableKagiSearch = 1;
where as the not working one had nothing at that domain. So on the non-working machine, I ran:
defaults write com.kagimacOS.Kagi-Search.Extension enableKagiSearch 1
and then
1) restarted safari - tried to search, still went to Google
2) went to the Safari Preferences -> Extensions page and unchecked/checked Kagi
3) typed in a random search term and hit enter, and then from then on out Kagi search worked fine for me, it didn't go to Google anymore etc.
Like I said, I have no idea what specifically did it, that defaults setting seemed to be the right thing. I had unchecked/checked Kagi setting in Safari multiple times trying to fix it before, but it finally worked after creating that key/value. Hopefully this works for someone else 😬