bryan Personally, I dislike cutesy silliness. I know some people love it, but it's not for me. I added to my custom CSS: .clouds, .doggo-sit { display: none; }. Suggestion: There should be a toggle for that.
Vlad bryan We made these animations follow your OS preferences, so if you have reduced motion set to ON in your OS settings, the animation does not happen. (btw Kagi documentation is quickly accessible with "!help" bang from Kagi, eg. "!help animations")
bryan Vlad Thank you, but I already had prefers-reduced-motion: true. This isn't about animation; it's about design. I don't care for superfluous decorative cutesy design elements, such as the clouds and the dog. I just want a plain UI, as with .clouds, .doggo-sit { display: none; }
Vlad bryan Thanks for confirming. I believe this is then the great use case for custom CSS which is a scalable solution for controlling almost every aspect of the UI.
bryan @Vlad It's nice that there's a UI for custom CSS, although userContent.css works too. But the problem with any kind of custom CSS is that it's going to break eventually. That's why a preference would be useful. I don't think I'm the only user who'd prefer a plain appearance. If I was, then I'd agree that custom CSS will have to do.