Jett I've merged a couple of threads realizing they all revolve around the same topic.
Besides things I said here
and here
Lets first understand the primary motivation of the user. Making a few assumptions: In this case I believe it is to provide a way to reduce cost. The most meaningful cost reduction would happen if a cost for a query would be reduced to zero.
Users already can have a zero cost query if they use a bang, for example !yt to go directly to youtube. Since our Custom bangs feature is introduced user can have zero cost queries for navigating/searching all their favorite websites.
The second use case is to finding 'big sites'.
Kagi could provide an internal index of sites on the web that could be accessed at no cost. This would be an equivalent of querying Kagi's internal index. This is quite doable for us -> the only question is how is this accessed:
- is it a bang? Which one?
- is it a new special char like $ as originally requested
What I think is not possible (at least short term) is expanding that index to other custom sites, like developer specialised sites. This is because cost of doing that would outweigh any benefit.
So in a nutshell, what is the best way to access the quick Kagi index that will be simple to use, intuitive and sicoverable for new users?