I listen to most of my podcasts when I drive. A lot of these podcasts mention books and links to websites or videos. While I try to remember these for later, the podcasts are several hours long each sometimes and there is just too much information to sort through when I am done driving to try and find that one reference to a specific book or find where they mentioned a certain video or website. It just gets unmanageable to keep up with it all.
I would absolutely love if I enter the link to the mp3 of the podcast into the Universal Summarizer and, in addition to getting a nice summary of the discussion, also have a separate section after the summary displaying all the links to websites, videos, and books mentioned in the podcast along with a time point in the podcast that they were discussed.
This kind of a feature would be invaluable to me. It could possibly also be added to a database and used as part of the search catalog for the many podcasts out there that do not have transcripts available.