What I want is to be able to easily to get to a page so I can start a search with access to ALL available features without running a search. Currently the only place to do that is the results page, not the search page, which is unintuitive.
Not just lenses but also filters. If I want to change or check my region restriction or date range, the only place to do that is on the results page. I don't want to run a search just to get to the results page that shows the filters, like I would in Google or DDG, because that uses up quota in Kagi.
My workaround for now is to bookmark https://kagi.com/search and use that to start searches but (a) without results it looks ugly, not like a homepage, and (b) autocomplete in the browser always wants to send me to just https://kagi.com which is a pain, and (c) if I do land on https://kagi.com for any reason there's no link to https://kagi.com/search