With the advent of the enhancing of tracking numbers in Kagi search being revealed, there was a good point brought up in #general chat of the Kagi Search Discord guild.
As there are a finite amount of searches, I would imagine something as brief as checking the tracking number would make a customer feel cheated as it was so brief. Likewise with making quick calculations / conversions via more integrated functions within the search bar. So, would it be feasible to, instead of adding these functions to generally enhance what that 1 search being spent actually gives the user, expand the functionality of the search bar so that certain, direct, quick searches can be sought after without spending that 1 search? Like, going to the Kagi search page and typing down a tracking number and only have the search bar expand to give tracking details without performing a search?
(edited to amend as I have discovered that it roughly costs more to perform these types of queries using official API)
With the calculator, it is helpful that the answer is immediately given for a calculation in the context menu, but oftentimes there may be more than one calculation needing to be made. So, there will still be that expenditure of one search, but with the integrated calculator with the search results, anymore will be avoided.