RGBCube It would be cool if the default lens contents could be edited via a simple PR so everyone could add things to them. This would make it good as programming languages evolve over time and new sites for them pop up. If paired with CI so that kagi lenses get updated on every push it would be awesome
Vlad RGBCube Unforutnately this is not how default lenses work, there is a lot of manual work involved with building them. But perhaps a user made repo of lenses would be a good first step?
RGBCube Vlad What is the process of building & deploying them? perhaps a CI script could do all this, by leveraging repository secrets to deploy. But yes, a user made repository of lenses would be a good step, too
z64 RGBCube What is the process of building & deploying them? perhaps a CI script could do all this, by leveraging repository secrets to deploy. The built-in lenses are built in to our monolithic webserver, to leverage all other features (data sources, algorithms, etc..) that we use to build the service. The built-in lenses have a setting on them that says "run this custom code instead". They could not be meaningfully separated to a degree that would allow contribution without making the whole service open source.
z64 More realistically, we can: Continue exposing more features to user-level lenses (i.e., control which things like wikipedia widget, coding widget, etc. are included in lens results). Welcome any ideas on what you would like to see here Investigate ways to remove limitations on user-level lenses (current limits mostly come from upstream limitations, not us) Custom user-coded widgets have been a long standing wish for us. There could be ways to exposing an API for more powerful result manipulation or sourcing.