Wolfram Alpha is great at answering factual questions about the world or about calculations that are a little too complex for a calculator. Date and time calculations are an area where W|A shines and every general search engine falls flat. For example, https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=mount+everest+height and https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=9+hours+15+minutes+ago are really useful pages on W|A.
Compared to Kagi: No instant answer, but the results do tell me what the height is. (There's also some nice fun trivia but I don't want to read it this time.) https://kagi.com/search?q=mount%20everest%20height
No instant answer and also no search result that answers my question: https://kagi.com/search?q=9+hours+15+minutes+ago
It would be great if Kagi could provide W|A answers when W|A is capable of answering the question. I use the !wa bang frequently, but it would be nice if I didn't have to anticipate that I would need !wa, and Kagi would just give me the answer directly.
Thank you!