Hey Vlad! Thanks for reaching out.
Sure, should've done that in the first place!
Now that I started looking at some examples it wasn't as bad as I thought it was from experience. Most terms are somewhat OK with just a few Brazilian results, but some others do indeed include quite a bit of Brazilian sites in prominent places and in bigger numbers. This seems to be especially true for generic medical terms.
Searching "dor no joelho" in Kagi (with the region set to Portugal) should give at least 10 Brazilian results in the first 14, with a couple of them being the first two.
Google by default is also not too dissimilar from Kagi, but if we set some settings and search using https://www.google.pt/search?q=dor+no+joelho&cr=countryPT&hl=pt-PT&tbs=ctr%3AcountryPT, we see 2 Brazilian results in the first page.
My expectation would be that the crawlers would index the search results categorizing the language it's written in and massively favour those in case a region is selected, even if not using the country TLD.
Hope this helps!