I have literally 0 use for any of these links from week to week, yet they are prominent on your front page:
Live Stats
Privacy & Terms
Support & Community
In settings, I almost never have need to change theme, go into settings, see status, etc. but they are also 1 click away.
But over and over and over again, when setting up new devices for work or personal use, on phones, PC...many times a year I need to
"Set Kagi as default search engine"

And I can never find it on your site, nor do I remember without thinking for a minute where it is or have to navigate links through searching (On other company's engines! lol) to find it, then I figure out it's buried in settings.
Please, put a link to it directly on your site OR 1 click away top-level in the settings menu.
This has to be useful to many of your customers no? I don't think so many want to install an extension just to set the default, but everyone needs to set the default. So this link has to be found anyways. Put it up front. It's more important than Swag, at the very least.
When I setup a new machine there are so many little things I have to do, including setup browser and configure settings. I sign into Kagi. I need to set Kagi as default search engine or else it is useless to me.
Do you want me to depend on Google, or Bing to guide me to the correct instructions (which could be better formatted)? I'm on your site. I just logged in. I want to find the docs right there. Beyond this, and aside from when I'm using your site and looking at search results, I don't really care much about other things on your page. But I do always care about setting your engine as default.
Microsoft Edge even constantly Unsets your engine and reverts it back to Bing every few weeks/months. So I have to do this a lot. It's just annoying to have to navigate through other search engine results and links and pages and scrolling to find this.