Could we get dedicated video(s) for each feature of Kagi? With as little time as I have throughout the week it would be much easier getting an explanation explaining different features of Kagi and examples of how and when to use said features. I don't imagine this is a difficult ask on your part. Just need someone to talk to a camera with video showing what that someone is talking about. This would also help sell your idea to people as they would actually understand what it is they are buying. I found your Youtube video, but that doesn't explain much other than 'no ads'.
"What are the exact ways that you see a user using your proposed feature? Please go into as much detail as possible, and provide examples of how other browsers/apps implement this feature, if applicable. If your feature suggestion adds on to an existing feature, how would it work into it to extend its usefulness?"
answer: your average user would be able to better understand and better utilize your search engine. I would go into more detail if I had any more information or details to go off of. I also don't see this costing you any money to implement.