When you enter text resembling a link, the search suggestions show different URLs for autocompletion. These suggestions are rarely useful, and at worst, a security risk.
When typing just https://
, the suggestions favor .nl
domains, despite my language being set to English. The suggestion displayed are rarely any useful and rarely related to the site I want to visit.

When typing https://youtube.com
for example, the suggestion instead shows https://youtube.iiilab.com
. In a worst-case scenario, this suggestion could be malicious, leading the user to a site they didn't intend to visit.

In my opinion, the "Go to [url]" suggestion could be useful when using the Kagi Mobile App, where there's otherwise no way to directly navigate to a URL from the Kagi App. But the "Go to" completion should only show up when a user has entered a full domain, and it shouldn't show similar results.
When the user enters https://youtube.com
in the search bar, the only suggestion available should be Go to https://youtube.com