To be able to set up a specific Country/Region also for the Images results. That could be: show only images that come from websites that would appear in the Web results of that same Region.
This is extremely useful when you search an image not to get the image itself, but as a lever to reach the websites where that image is shown.
Shopping, for example: when one searches by images for an item that is called [Brand Name] [Model Code]
(e.g. "Levi's 501", "Logitech K380", "Ikea Kallax" ) regardless of the language. This way, they reach the e-shop from the image that that e-shop uses to present the item in its dedicated page. But if I am based in USA, results from e-shops based in Vietnam, Russia or Philippines are not of my interest.
Thanks to the Region choice, I could reach only shops based in a specific Country. This is a bit more than adding, for example,
, or
in the search field, because lots of local e-shops are under .com
, anyway, but if I add
in the search field, all the .com
websites of shops based in every Country will also be listed.