I couldn't find a section which seemed appropriate for feedback that wasn't a bug report or a new feature so hopefully this is a good enough location.
I've just started using Kagi maps more and do enjoy it, but I've noticed a strange tendency with the Wikipedia locations of interest pins that pop up. I was looking over North-West England doing some research on a local area, and for some reason the only wiki pins that were showing for the wider region were just disasters. Rail disasters and derailments, air crashes, even an asbestos related disaster. It seems really odd that even when zoomed out far the information you are given is place names, a few locations of interest (often battle sites) and then a strange number of transport related disasters.
Wondering if this is an intended feature which has ended up skewing itself towards disasters? Its not really an issue that much, I'm just really curious as to why its ended up focussing on this. Its the same when I use this on both phone and desktop.

Not a proposed feature - as said I couldn't find an area which seemed appropriate for general feedback not related to bugs or new features. Apologies if I've been an idiot and missed this somehow.