a Master key owned by the user then and unknown to Kagi... (event the red fat button is a wrong solution as people can just... forget)
I just want people to be aware that if they store this information on Kagi server, at some point, the US gov can require Kagi to give up all user information, chat logs included.
but, excuse me, this:
so anyone with that setting on probably knows just what it does and is perfectly fine with any privacy concerns.
is totally wrong.
First because "probably" is not enough when your life depends on your privacy.
Imagine parents, being sold that Kagi is the BEST privacy search engine in the world, asking the Assistant how they could help their girl have an abortion in some other state.
Imagine some non technical foreign student in the US, being sold that Kagi is the BEST privacy search engine in the world.
and that same student would ask the Assistant for information about, something like "How can I help my Palestinans friends fight against genocide"
If at some point US gov gets this chat log, parents go to prison and bye bye foreign student VISA....
Google and Meta are already complying with requests regarding post Roe vs Wide, here's one example: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/22/burgess-abortion-pill-nebraska-mother-daughter
People will just click on anything as they will believe EVERYTHING is privacy respectful on Kagi. Because that's what Kagi is selling... which obviously, is not in this particular case.
So YOU may know that it is not really a safe option. But everyone does not.
let's keep people safe in this weird time.