Kagi's related conversations feature (pictured below) is very handy

However it doesn't always show up on all links and will only surface one conversation per website with no information displayed to the user about the contents of the page they're taken through when they click it (a tooltip might be helpful here).
A button to search the internet for conversations mentioning that link would be useful to find related discussions. This would allow kagi to surface more results and provide more information to users.
This is not a feature I've seen before in another product.
I think it should be located in the result overflow menu (below)

When clicked it should take the user to a conventional kagi search page with a query structured something like "mentions:URL-OF-FIRST-RESULT", similar to how the "site:DOMAIN" query parameter works. This would also make it possible to further refine the search by combining the "mentions:URL" with additional search terms. This would also allow users to access related conversations directly from the search box without having to search for the desired website and then click through two buttons.
Also it would be handy if it could find conversations where the link is only mentioned in a reply rather than in an original post.