I’m no longer seeing adult results for this query which is good, though there are still (what I’d consider to be) irrelevant results included, e.g.:
- hxxp://kofantasyboxing.blogspot.com/
- hxxps://boxrec.com/en/proboxer/004462
- hxxp://www.corrales.org/
- hxxps://roughboxing.ca/
None of the above (mainly boxing related sites, though number 3 is a software developer’s personal website) appear to be related to the search query.
Whilst I wouldn’t necessarily expect all results to contain the search terms, the fact that these ones do not, yet appear on the “first page”, whereas other seemingly more relevant results that do contain the search terms only appear when clicking “More Results” seems strange.
Perhaps the fact that there are results relating to boxing is due to the existence of a boxer named “Audley Harrison”? Though even if this were the case, it would seem that these shouldn’t feature so highly for this particular search term given the differing contexts.