The internet archive and it's wayback machine are great tools. But unfortunately it's built in search is rather limited. You can look for a domain, a url with/without wildcards or a set of keywords, but not both.
For example, if I were looking for the domino's frikandutchman special edition pizza that domino's sold about a year back, I'd either have to look for 'frikandutchman' or '' (not both) then painstakingly deal with their rate limit to find the actual page somewhere in the results.
Kagi's search options, or a subset of them, would be great here. But currently, a query like "Frikan" "Dutchman" "" or FrikanDutchman
Does not yield anything.
Although this might be a silly example (even if the pizza was delicious). Historical information is important to keep people informed and knowledgable about current events and culture. But that information is a lot less useful when it's simply too much for it's search engine. Perhaps Kagi can help?
I think this might just create a use case for people working in some fields that can use access to historical information. Wether that be historians, news organizations, students, political activists, retro game console enthousiasts, old timer car mechanics.
Or perhaps we're out of luck. But I think Kagi might just be in a great position to figure this out