One of my favorite features in the Arc browser was the ability to type out a search query, hit Shift+Enter, and automatically be directed to the most relevant URL. I've since given up on Arc, and I would love a similar feature that capitalizes on Kagi's search and custom Lenses.
Essentially I'd like to have an alternative to Bangs where I can include a modifier before a search that tells Kagi to run a search, identify the top link, and sends me straight to it. This could be combined with Lenses to narrow down the search and more consistently prioritize the websites you'd like to be taken to.
Bangs are great when I know exactly where I want to search. However, sometimes I'm not sure what site will have what I'm looking for, but I'm confident that whatever pops up first in the search will be sufficient. This addresses that middle ground.
Also, you should allow for custom Bangs that just run a Kagi search with a specified Lens applied.
By default, an Autopilot modifier would simply run a standard Kagi search in the background and open the first link instead of showing search results.
E.g., "$facebook" opens
But when applied to a Lens, the Autopilot modifier would open the first result of the search under that Lens.
E.g., Assume "stocks" is a predefined Lens that limits searches to financial data websites.
Then "$stocks facebook" opens (or whatever the first result would be under that Lens)
For reference, the Arc feature is called Instant Links. They use some AI shenanigans, but given that you guys already have fantastic search, that isn't necessary. Just redirect to the first link of the search.