For years, when I typed "k" in my browser's address bar, the suggestions where all related to "", a non-profit organization ( helping borrowers find loaners through their microfinance platform.
I've been a user of this platform for more than 15 years now and it's only recently that "" took the top spot in my "k" suggestions.
Yet, I still often make the mistake between the two domains.
Anyway, on Kiva there's a "Teams" feature ( where loaners can gather and focus on helping one borrower or one category of borrowers at a time.
When one makes a loan, it can be attributed to a given team.
So I was thinking, could it be a good idea to create a Kagi team on Kiva?
It costs nothing, it implies nothing, but it could give a nice image of Kagi's community while joining efforts with a "k" friend.