Today I searched for "character count" - I had a bit of text in my clipboard I wanted to audit. The content was personal and I don't need frills: I just wanted a quick online tool to do this thing I know can be done in the browser (if I just opened my JS console, sure).
I suggest that Kagi should prioritize (boost) results by default that solve a problem locally in the browser for the user, and deprioritize results that send data to a remote host to process the "character count" (in this example).
The first result from my search was for a service that sends your content to their server to count the characters. Their Privacy Policy says: "Please note that you may not use our free service for any texts containing personal data of any kind.", and that the site uses Google Analytics (with anonymization).
Maybe it's something that can be keyed off of by page load size? Not sure best how to implement.
1st result: 1.92 MB, uses server-side processing
2nd result: 327 kB
3rd result: 897 kB
I know that Kagi downvotes results that include intrusive ads. In this situation: there's no 3rd-party ads on the 1st result, but it is a funnel for low-technical users to create a "free account" and then unlock additional features that they probably wouldn't have otherwise sought out. The advertising for their business is offering this free tool, and so I suggest Kagi downvotes these kinds of user funnels.
The 2nd and 3rd results don't do any server side processing, and therefore run easily in-browser, which I think is the most sane place for the task.