There are situations where the initial prompt in an Assistant thread doesn't contain enough info for it to actually generate a title for the thread.
So whatever custom prompt is being used to generate that title should contain something that says "if you don't have enough info to generate a good title, just reply FALSE"
And then have it generate the title based on the first output if it returnd FALSE
or something like that.
A good way to reproduce this is by asking assistant to summarize a youtube video by just asking.
"please summarize in markdown table [insert youtube link here]" and it won't know what that video is so it just halalucaintes some title atm.
For youtube videos you could workaround this by having the prompt that generates the thread title see the video titles. But that only works for yt videos and such. Although I suppose if you gave it the title of each link mentioned in the intital prompt, that could work maybe. not sure.