Thank you for the quick reply!
I take your point, and as you suggest, updating the OS is by far the quickest solution for me. And i understand that for a startup, building new features quickly may be a priority over developing robust support for older software.
However, I strongly disagree with the timeframe you suggest about support for older versions. Yes, there is a point where support for older versions should wane, but it is absolutely not at 2 years. Let me put it a different way: this is the only mainstream web product I have ever used which breaks due to my phone operating system being just two years out of date.
Way back when I used to do web development there was a debate in designing for older systems between “progressive enhancement” and “graceful degradation”. The kagi assistant client is neither: the website is clearly just not designed for users with software that is more than two years out of date.
Considering Kagi has a small web initiative, surely there is some degree of empathy for the fact that there may be a subset of users with anachronistic sensibilities.
Besides that, there is simply no technical excuse for a client-side web app communicating with an LLM API to require the absolute newest browser features or css support. There is nothing about the assistant’s client side that should preclude it from working on a device or operating system that is 12 years out of date. I acknowledge the irony of wanting to use a modern technology with an older browser; but the truth is that the client’s browser is not the technical bottleneck.
At the end of the day, it’s your choice whether or not to support my current hardware and software setup, but i don’t think it is asking too much for the client-side website to support operating systems that are more than 2 years put of date.