Currently, the Thread Saving option for Assistant conversations can be set to either 24 hours or Forever. After approximately two weeks of usage, I found 24 hours too quick - I often wanted to revisit 2-day old conversations, but Forever is too long, and made it difficult to sort through the conversations I did care about. The main pain point with Forever is that deleting conversations one by one was a hassle.
That's why I'm proposing several alternative solutions (though not necessarily all of them need to be implemented):
- More duration options (e.g. one week) that are not Forever
- A way to mass select older conversations and delete them, so that you can at least manage the ones you care about.
- A way to pin/favorite specific conversations so that the initially applied 24 hour auto delete no longer applies.
Of course, I would also be quite happy to get multiple solutions implemented, but I am unsure of the level of difficulty of implementing these.