In the case of searching for actress Penélope Cruz in Kagi, the celebrity information widget does not appear in the search because the "c" in Cruz is in lowercase, which can be tedious since most people do not write the name perfectly with the first letter of the first and last names capitalized. It is normal, even sometimes, to search in lowercase for the sake of being faster:
However, when searching for Kagi Penelope Cruz with the first letter of the surname capitalized, the celebrity information widget does appear, as you can see:
It's strange because, for example, in the case of searching for Brad Pitt with the "p" in Pitt in lowercase, in this case, it does show the information widget of the celebrity correctly:
In the case of searching for Antony Joshua in Kagi, there are no references of any kind to his official social media:
They do appear on Google:
In the case of some celebrities like Tyson Fury, he does show some of his social media, which seems a bit inconsistent and random since some celebrities will show social media and others will not, without following a very clear pattern:
Then there are cases of actors who do have their IMDb profile linked:
But others like Angelina Jolie do not show it:
In the case of celebrities like Bing Crosby, who besides being singers have also starred in movies, the IMDb profile does not appear either:
In the case of Google, it does show its movies correctly:
There should be consistency in the celebrity widgets in searches with Kagi, as in some cases there are celebrities who do not show their social media (even though they officially have them), in some cases the IMDb profile appears but in other cases it does not, and in some cases if you do not search with the first letter of the first name and the first letter of the last name in uppercase, it does not show the celebrity information widget.