I will keep this concise and a bit informal since english is not my first language so i cant gurantee proper spelling/grammar.
I have written a few blog posts via my blog site and gotten most of my traffic from Hackernews .I got valuable feedback through comments section on hackernews courtesy of their upstanding community and upvoting mechanism ensuring only good content is shown to majority of the users. This encourgaed me to post my blog posts often on hackernews.
The reason i mentioned hackernews is that kagi can implement a similar system for blog posts.
Kagi users can submit their blog posts(hosted on kagi) to Kagi team / mod . The mod approves them and the blog post is show to initial users via search index results to test the quality and avoid spam content( that the mod might have missed out). If the initial users approve the qualiity and upvote the blog posts on the search index page then kagi can show them to a wider audience incremently and eventually a global audience on kagi search index/
There can be a community of people writing blogs for each other and by having a mechanism for kagi users to comment on blog posts, Kagi.com can generate beneifts for itself (more engagement) and users can benefit from having quality results (which is why kagi exisits in the first place)
In my humble opinion, By having a easy way for users to create blog posts and not having them to worry about doing visibility/hosting/SEO tricks will make them focused on creating quality content . Kagi users and kagi search index can benefit alot from this in this age of AI filled SEO optimized blog post.
TLDR : Kagi users can creat blog posts for each other on kagi.com / kagi users get quality posts shown on kagi search index
I took inspiration from hackernews for blog content since good blog content eventually rise to top page.
On kagi search index, if a users types a query for "Why is healthcare in america so bad" , There can be some blog posts by a kagi user who has written a relevant blog post and the search index might show the blog post to the user who queried the topic. The search index obv shows other content which is related to the query.
It will extent the usefulness of the platform as the blogs/blog posts hosted on kagi and shown on kagi search index can be commented by other kagi users who find the original kagi article on the search index written by a community member .This will help in creating a postive feedback loop where good blog posts are encourged
Update: This thread is inactive