Recently, Kagi Assistant started responding to my questions formulated in czech with:
"Omlouvám se, ale uvědomil jsem si, že jsem odpověděl v češtině, zatímco vaše preferovaný jazyk je angličtina. Dovolte mi, abych vám poskytl odpověď v angličtině."
which roughly translates to
"I am sorry, I realized that I answered in Czech, but your preferred language is English. Allow me to respond in English:"
It then continues the response in English. The problem is, the assistent now responds always in the "interface lanugage" i have set in the settings. I would much rather for it to respond in the language I asked like it was before.
I expected Assistent to answer in the same language in which I asked. It used to do that and models seem to be trained that way if not prompted otherwise.