I enjoy using the ChatGPT app which I can trigger via hotkey ALT+Space. I use it to quickly shoot of questions, that I know an LLM answer would be useful for.
I would love to replace ChatGPT with Kagi assistant for this. It could be integrated into a dedicated "section" of Orion.
I currently decide to either trigger a search via the browser (Cmd+Tab to Orion -> Cmd+T for new Tab -> Type Search Enter) or to go to ChatGPT (Alt+Space opens query prompt from the ChatGPT macOS app -> Type Query Enter).
As you can see - asking the LLM is easier step wise. It requires me to make a judgement whether the quey should go to an LLM or search - which is usually easy for me, but potentially not as easy for a regular user.
If we could combine this -> (ALT+Space to open Orion Search/Assistant query box -> opens search/Kagi assistant in parallel) it would be really powerful.