NSFW images are being blurred in image search, even for non-sexual searches, with safe search turned off.
Example image search: nude yoga poses
The page is almost nothing but blurred photos, which defeats the purpose of having the search in the first place. It negates the point of being able to turn safe search off .
None of them should be blurred. This isn't even sexual content.

Here is a link with full results, if you are prepared to see mostly blurred NSFW images, with a few visible NSFW images: https://kagi.com/images?q=nude+yoga+poses
I would expect that with "Safe Search" off, then an "Images" search such as "nude yoga poses" would return poses showing nudity without blur. This is especially true for NSFW but non-sexual searches.
Alternately, with "Safe Search" off, one of the "Images" search option controls should allow unblurring of NSFW results.
Otherwise, what is the point of a "Safe Search" option, when what we basically have is a hard enough "Safe Search" restriction as to make the search untenable. Who wants to click dozens of blurred images to find out what the search results are?