An option to disable similar results for search.
Things that are relevant to me are most often buried under popular results that sound similar to what i look for. This makes search almost unusable for me. I then have to put quotationmarks around every word, and one by one exclude the most prominent resultbombs, in order to maybe find something relevant to my query, and it will still give me guessed results.
With the help of such a search option i could save time and find results quicker that are actually relevant to me.
The user navigates to the search settings page and marks a checkbox, to not include results for guessed/recommended auxiliary queries.
The search engine is instructed to only search for the exact words of the query, without similarity checks or any AI extrapolation of the user entered query.
When the user uses the kagi search, it actually just searches for the exact words entered in the input field.
No similar results or results for similar queries are shown.