When you upload a photo, the Expert Assistant will often refer to the "title" of the photo, when none exists or is actually provided. This seems to happen when a photo looks like it could be dramatic or an art piece.
I searched for "!i dramatic photo" and found this photo. I copied the photo and pasted it into the file upload field in the Expert Assistant. The summary for this included a line saying "The title of the image is 'Portrait of Wisdom'.", which is not true.
Additional testing should be done to see if it also happens when it is provided a link, rather than uploading the file. I assume it would not matter though, but I tried giving it the link to the image and it did not refer to the title (could just be the temperature though).
The Expert AI should not refer to image titles unless it actually has the title (ie: a known image like a famous painting or photo), or if the user asks for it to generate a title.