I really appreciate that Wolfram Alpha is used for these types of queries because:
- It is very good at parsing technical language / units / math even when it is typed on a keyboard without formatting. It effortlessly understands, for example, that the query "25 m/s/s to ft/h/h" is requesting velocity conversion. It interprets "integral from 2 to 5 of x2+3x" or "density of steam at 150c and 2atm" correctly. It understands chemical equations, units, all kinds of things.
- Its knowledge base is very wide-ranging. I can ask it about the densities of food oil or motor oil. I can ask about the strength of different alloys of steel. I can ask about calculus or physics. I can even ask how old the president of China is or when the super bowl is!
- The information it provides is very reliable. There is no junk. Sometimes it fails to interpret your query correctly so it answers a question you didn't ask, but the knowledge it has is very trustworthy.
Wolfram Alpha is better in each of these areas than almost anything on the internet (the things that are better are generally behind a paywall). Nothing is better at all three simultaneously, even products that cost money (which are generally much more specialized). And these are the exact things it is important to be good it if you are populating the info box for a search engine.
There are also a few issues with Wolfram Alpha, mostly that it can misinterpret your query one way or another, which have been covered extensively in this thread.
But I also have one issue with how the Wolfram Alpha integration is implemented. If I type "0.4 m/s/s to ft/h/h" into Kagi, I get an answer in the units I wanted: feet per hour per hour. But I cannot verify that my question was interpreted correctly. I cannot verify that it correctly interpreted "0.4 m/s/s" to mean "0.4 meters per second per second". I would like to see a portion of the widget dedicated to showing how the query was interpreted, like on the Wolfram Alpha website or on Google.
I have attached screenshots of Kagi, Google, and Wolfram Alpha for comparison.