Kagi comes with it's own vi-like bindings. You can use 'j' and 'k' to navigate down/up, 'g' to go to the top, '/' to search, 's' to open the modal etc.
If you're using the vimium plugin, you lose out on the kagi specific bindings (which are useful, so I've disabled the browser plugin on Kagi).
With only the kagi bindings, you can't select whatever is on your screen if you scroll (no hint-mode). So you have to repeatedly press 'j' to get to where you want.
Yes. It mostly does work, but with both enabled at the same time there will be conflicts in the bindings. There are some really cool Kagi specific bindings that you end up being unable to use. Like adjusting the website ranking using the kagi keybindings (opening the modal), which no longer work if you use a plugin.
Might be a small amount of users who want such functionality. There is a lot of duplicate functionality here like you suggested... But I personally think it's a nice QOL update