jeffdaley Clear button doesn’t work on Orion for iOS. Here’s a video of me trying to get it to work: Orion 1.3.6 (2) (WebKit 8617. iOS 17.2.1 (21C66) Search input should clear.
zam Hi the clear button is also not working for me on Firefox for Android. It also just gets rid of the keyboard. On desktop the button correctly clears text from the search field.
mkozakov When pressing the X button on an already filled in search query on mobile (chrome on iOS), instead of clearing, the keyboard just goes away When I press X I expect the text of the search query to turn empty, and for the keyboard to still be up
z64 Hey all, we rolled out a hotfix for this. Let us know if you're still experiencing any issues with clearing the input.
Prostagma This is still an issue, although it’s not an Orion issue, it’s a Kagi issue. Tested on Orion, Safari, and Chrome