z64 So it seems like what you're saying is that (1) for the Kagi team what matters is engagement since a highly active post would require a response regardless of whether or not it is also upvoted, and (2) since everything effectively gets filtered through the Kagi team anyway upvotes aren't really meaningful from a product development point of view and are more for users to be able to curate content for themselves.
That makes sense, but couldn't/shouldn't upvotes also be considered independently as a gauge of user support for any given feature request or bug report? As in, from the Kagi Team POV, upvotes currently are just a noisier subset of the exact same signal activity provides, but couldn't upvotes also be a clean independent signal of user support (surely the Kagi team would take into account that a post has a lot of upvotes even if you wouldn't just "do whatever the OP is asking")?
To Vlad's point about it being hard to prioritize without auto upvoting, since upvotes and comments are effectively the same from the Kagi team POV at the moment, couldn't you just prioritize based on comments with effectively no change to the output?
Basically, it seems like auto upvoting just creates a redundant noisy signal when manual upvoting would create a new, independent signal that could be used by the Kagi team and users alike. Just my 2ยข.