I searched the string "1704062678 time" to see if I got any hits back showing the conversion from unix epoch time to a more standard date code. The second result is a porn site.

Search share link: https://kagi.com/search?q=1704062678+time&r=us&sh=PWaEhxjwCO_pO83BV9XY0g
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Playing around with the number in the search string seems to change the results too. So far just changing the last digit results in a different porn result showing up somewhere in the first page of results. Deleting the last digit seems to result in no porn results on the first page.
Enclosing the word "time" in quotes in my query pulls the porn result to the top.

Enclosing the number in quotes gives me a random smattering of results as can be expected when asking for a random oddly specific number, enclosing the entire query in quotes returns nothing.
I'd expect top results to be related to time, and not porn that happens to have seemingly unrelated time durations/timestamps as the only connection with the search term. If the timestamps on the porn page happened to match the number though, then I'd expect it to be close to the top.