Discuss document provides empty footnotes in its answer. Presumably the footnote is for the document being discussed, but as it is currently implemented, the footnote appears to be either (1) incomplete or (2) redundant/unnecessary.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Use !sum to summarize one of the following websites (among others): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hylomorphism or https://www.cambridge.org/core/elements/hylomorphism/D13A0A79F69B8FFECB69A67C9075A5FF
- Select "Discuss Further"
- Ask a question.
- Receive an answer with empty footnotes, i.e. footnotes in the text but no corresponding reference.

I expected either a complete footnote with a corresponding reference or else no footnote at all with the implication being all answers are derived from the document being discussed.