It is an extra visualization mapping layer to the topographic visualizer on Kagi Maps.
It is for a heightened awareness in topographic features and height difference in terrains.
I don't foresee a particular disruption of current workflows given that it is a map visualization layer underneath most other features which are visualized to the users. On map layers of which there will be a broad selection, flat/simplified, satellite, shaded relief, etc. OilSlick would be an extra visualization option and a layer underneath political map SVG's, map pins or transit maps so both would couple without issues.
Below is an example of "OilSlick" implemented in another website
Demo by its creator Drew Roos:
Inside the above link there is a full rationale for it and a non-technical rundown on how to implement it.
"OilSpill"'s colors are aimed to highlight fine detail on the Earth's crust and through the Earth's elevation. This is of extreme use, as most other visualization tools on maps fail to highlight changes in elevation or complex detail given that their objective is to highlight changes in coordinates and simplify translation, not changes in elevation or complex terrain details directly, but now days complex terrain details are of high interests to many.
The fine detail such as this would be an spectacular addition to geologists, topographers, engineers, farmers, hitchhikers, drivers aiming to avoid changes in increasing altitude (heavy loads transport), tourists seeking interesting terrain features.
Western Sahara (Eye of Sahara):
It's main usage would it be coupled with a basic traffic and political map overlapped as it is normally done on most online maps. This feature is little more than an alternative color mapping to a 16bit greyscale map -> OilSpill color gradient (Munsell or OkLab) colorspaces. And it has already been implemented on this demo website by Drew Roos
It has previously received great reception in hackernews
Oilslick – an elevation map showing fine detail in terrain