In your results for businesses, you show helpful info like the address, hours, links to review websites, and a Phone button. But sometimes I'm on my computer and want to dial using a different device (like an actual phone!). In that case, showing the phone number would be really nice. Maybe next to the reviews, or hours. Google does this in their side panel (I'm not advocating for a side panel!).
How the Goog shows the phone number (with hyphens):


Yes, I know you show the phone number in the lower left (at least in Brave) when I mouse over the Phone button, but you could at least make the formatting easier to read by adding hyphens in US standard (if someone is in US)?

A user wants to use her landline to call a restaurant. She searches the name of the restaurant in Kagi, and in the main results, instead of just a Phone button (which she may or may not know she can mouse over to get the phone number to pop up in the lower left of her browser window) she'll see the actual phone number with the result, hyphenated nicely for her region. She can then easily make the call to the business.