summary: I think it would be very useful if a users set of site priority adjustments could be exported & imported.
scope: This feature request is similar to with a slightly different scope. it only
personal desire: I basically want a maintained list of sites with "bad vibes" that deserve to be deprioritized. things like fandom, webmd, and all sorts of the ai-generated ick that permeats the internet these days. i want the list to be shared, so i don't have to maintain my own. this feature enables that list, which someone in the community will undoubtedly make (similar to the numerous DNS blacklists floating around)
- allow export of all site ranks (perhaps a newline-separated list, initially)
- allow import of site ranks via a form/textarea (taking whatever the export format is)
bonus points:
- list updates are automatic (subscribe to a "list")
- lists are share-able / subscribe-able from within kagi