When using Quick Answer, if you hover over the info icon you can thumbs-up or thumbs-down the response you got. The text at the bottom of the feedback window says “Are you finding this answer useful? We'll use your feedback to improve the answers you're looking for.” (Arguably that text should go at the top of the popup window, but no matter.)
I don't know how Kagi uses this feedback, but as a user I have multiple kinds of good/bad that Kagi doesn't make it possible to distinguish between when submitting feedback on a Quick Answer:
- Good/bad because it was on/off topic
- Good/bad because it was accurate/inaccurate
- Good/bad because it did/didn't answer my question
- Probably other criteria which I'm not thinking of
Normally when I think an answer is useful, it's because it's on-topic and answers my question. But most of the time, I have no real way of knowing that it's accurate without double checking with another source (which I tend not to do). And I'm most likely to think an answer is not useful when it doesn't answer my question, whether or not it can be said to be “on-topic”. (Here's a made-up example: if I ask “how do you make toast” and Kagi replies “by toasting bread”, this answer is neither wrong nor off-topic, but it's hot helpful at all.)
I just queried Kagi with “julia sort iterator without collecting”, and the Quick Answer was:
It is possible to sort elements of an iterator in Julia without collecting them into a vector by using the sort! function on the iterator itself.[1] sort! operates directly on the iterator, sorting its elements in-place without needing to materialize the entire collection into memory.
[1] Filtering elements of a generator without collecting
Now, this answer was highly on-topic, and would have been useful… had it had been even remotely correct! You cannot, of course, sort an iterator in-place (that makes no sense, at least not in Julia). Simply leaving a “not useful” thumbs down feedback does not express why this wasn't useful — because it was flat-out wrong — and thus leaves out some information that could be useful for Kagi’s developers.
Add some categories to the feedback widget so that users can provide Kagi developers more granular data justifying their feedback.