What does your feature entail? What is it for? How will it affect existing workflows or user experience?
One of the only things I find conventient with Google search is that they display a business profile on the right when I search for a company or organisation. What I find perticularly useful is information like telephone number, address and email.

It would be great if Kagi would to something similar. I know there is a request for Google reviews.
I don't care too much for those but maybe they can be combined.
What are the exact ways that you see a user using your proposed feature? Please go into as much detail as possible, and provide examples of how other browsers/apps implement this feature, if applicable. If your feature suggestion adds on to an existing feature, how would it work into it to extend its usefulness?
A user can see business date like telephone, address, email (if available) on the right side of the screen when he/she searches for a company or organisation.