Dantes Extremely common use case for me is typing weather into a search engine to get the info for my location. Works in Google and DGG, can't see any privacy reasons why you might not want this feature, you only need geo-location permissions, or if you don't want to use that, maybe set the city like you do your region already. It's frustrating.
Dantes Vlad is it planned though? API is cheap, only need a widget, I understand it's not top priority but most other search engines has this feature and I reckon it's a common use case(I asked my circle at least).
Quentin Vlad Is it feasible at all to expose a basic interface someone could write the widget against and submit (think https://duckduckhack.com/ before it was closed)?
Pat Adding onto this... since I use an app, I don't google the local forecast often, but I do use google for local storm alerts. Google example:
daron I would love this feature as well! Glad to see it's coming along. I'm happy to type a location in my query. weather dallas or dallas weather are my usual go-to's. I'm traveling abroad for the next few weeks and this is one feature I've dearly missed!