NginUS I think it might be helpful for when the browser extension is being configured it's options don't opt for a mass-default Kagi option but rather allow for the search field that sits to the right of the address bar to remain selectable to allow to choose Google or whatever so we can compare occasionally. Sometimes Kagi isn't always the best option & we have to go back.
NginUS That's not to say the address bar search shouldn't be Kagi, just allow to set the other one elsewhere without switching it back on us.
Vlad You can also configure More menu inthe results (it contains Google by default). Any ideas how to make these more obvious to new users?
NginUS Vlad "Any ideas how to make these more obvious to new users?" Yes! Change the text "More" because it's seen so often everywhere that it gets overlooked. Instead use the text you have just below 'More': "Search with" Simple.
Vlad NginUS The menu also contains other things that are unrelated to that like Show/Hide search stats and sharing this search which is why More felt more appropriate. Any other ideas?