Some search terms are overloaded with meaning and the quality of the results is highly dependent on the context of the search. For example "Rust" could mean the programming language, the color, the game, oxidation, etc. Searching for "Rust tips and tricks" currently returns these results (prototype example helpfully provided by Vlad):
Rust Guide: Top 50 Rust Tips and Tricks | GAMERS DECIDE › articles › rust-guide-top-50-tips-and-tricks
Oct 6, 2018 Top 10 Rust Tips and Tricks To Improve Your Gameplay Rust is an unforgiving game that has a very steep learning curve. In this article I will go over 10 tips and tricks that will help you improve your gameplay and allow you to overcome the odds that are stacked against you.
Rust Tips and Tricks › rust-tips-and-tricks
Dec 31, 2021 Rust lang Tips and Tricks · Enum size is bounded by the largest member · Avoid unnecessary clones · Modularizing tests · The dbg! macro · Using _ to ...
Rusttips | #1 Resource for Aim Training, Calculators, and Rust Guides
Sep 8, 2023 Equip, Aim, Conquer in Rust. ... Gampine on the other hand helped with a few ideas around to improve and the patience with my coding and not playing.
Rust Tips and Tricks #PartOne. A Comprehensive Guide to... | Medium › @danmugh › rust-tips-and-tricks-partone-5bac0f948b22
May 26, 2023 Rust is a programming language that has gained a reputation for its exceptional qualities in terms of reliability, speed, and overall enjoyment for the programmer. However, it is important to keep in mind that Rust is also recognized as a language with a relatively high level of complexity.
Three Tips for Tackling Rust › 2014 › 05 › 09 › tips-learning-rust
May 9, 2014 Rust is a relatively new systems programming language that has been garnering a lot of attention over the past year or two as a compelling alternative to languages like C and C++. Programmers who work “closer to the metal” than I do, will likely appreciate Rust’s memory safety and low run-time overhead (many of Rust’s features and safety guarantees..
When I am in the context of programming, half of the results are noise. I would rather see this:
Rust Tips and Tricks › rust-tips-and-tricks
Dec 31, 2021 Rust lang Tips and Tricks · Enum size is bounded by the largest member · Avoid unnecessary clones · Modularizing tests · The dbg! macro · Using _ to ...
Rust Tips and Tricks #PartOne. A Comprehensive Guide to... | Medium › @danmugh › rust-tips-and-tricks-partone-5bac0f948b22
May 26, 2023 Rust is a programming language that has gained a reputation for its exceptional qualities in terms of reliability, speed, and overall enjoyment for the programmer. However, it is important to keep in mind that Rust is also recognized as a language with a relatively high level of complexity.
Three Tips for Tackling Rust › 2014 › 05 › 09 › tips-learning-rust
May 9, 2014 Rust is a relatively new systems programming language that has been garnering a lot of attention over the past year or two as a compelling alternative to languages like C and C++. Programmers who work “closer to the metal” than I do, will likely appreciate Rust’s memory
The existing lens implementation doesn't quite solve this problem because they're site-oriented instead of content-oriented. I don't know what sites to add to a lens to get the results I want. I do have a general idea of what I want to see in the results, though, if I'm in a certain context.
A new Kagi Assistant lens type would allow users to specify the context of searches and what kind of results they want to see. For example, a "Work" Assisted lens could be defined as:
What would you like Kagi Assistant to know to provide better results?
I am a software developer. This is my tech stack:
Kagi Assistant would use this information to refine the search results when searching with this lens.