Steps to reproduce:
Search for 'personality', using International region, without scopes.
Receive 'personality test' as the first result, page as third, then a bunch of news articles (including "interesting finds" and "blast from the past") before getting as only the sixth result, and with "Biographies (...)" as the lead result, followed by 'No personal attacks' meta rule page, instead of the 'Personality' page...
Additionally, there are results for 'personal finance' and 'personal tax' which are hardly related.
Expected behavior:
As first results, receive a dictionary definition, then summaries and sourced articles:, (& similar).
News articles should all be grouped together, rather than scattered in between strict matches for the above - definitions and write-ups.
Finally, Wikipedia pages (and dictionary websites) should be for 'personality' rather than unrelated terms.
Debug info:
Connected to: EUROPE-WEST2
Marked in yellow are directly useful results, red are strictly unrelated, blue are mobile or incorrect language versions of websites (e.g. mobile Wikipedia page while on the desktop, Simple English rather than English Wikipedia page - also not grouped together with any other result)