I am considering in the future using the Kagi search API (once access expands) to power some website internal search UIs which would naturally be restricted each site's single domain. While I don't know how Kagi's search infrastructure works internally from the outside it seems like it should be cheaper to search only a single domain e.g. with the site:___
operator in the standard search vs a general web search, and if so and Kagi could pass the savings along as part of a cheaper API endpoint that would make some more potential use cases financially viable.
For comparison, Google offers as part of their Custom Site Search product a restricted site version that removes the daily limits their unrestricted offering has, and while it is the same price as the unrestricted one their pricing of $5 per 1000 queries is significantly cheaper than Kagi's current API pricing of $0.025/query aka $25 per thousand queries, so if there's a way to bring the price down a little for this use case that would help Kagi's offering compete there.